Minutes – 9 July 2019

parishclerk 21 Apr , 2020

Holme Low Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 9 July 2019 at 7.30pm at Silloth Community Hall

Present : Cllr. J. Graham (JG)

D. Findlay (DF), M. Wright (MW), N. Dainton (ND) & C. Edmund (CE).
Also present: Wendy Jameson – Parish Clerk (WEJ), Cllr. John Cook & Cllr. Tony Markley.

1. Apologies
Cllr. M. Pearson.

2. Co-option
Applications were received from Geoff Betsworth, Matthew Welsh & Christopher Edmunds for co-option on to the Parish Council. Christopher Edmunds was proposed and seconded and was duly co-opted on to the Parish Council. He joined the meeting and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

3. Declaration of Interest

4. Exclusion of Press & Public

5. Minutes
RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on the 14 May 2019 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

6. Matters Arising
The road outside Harrisons at Causewayhead will be swept once a month and will make sure vehicles are sheeted properly.

7. Police Report
No report. Cables have been across the road at Causewayhead, near the cemetery for over a week, to measure the speed and numbers of vehicles. RESOLVED that Cumbria Highways be asked for a copy of the statistics.

8. Public Participation
There were no requests from members of the public to speak at the meeting.

9. Financial Report
The Clerk provided an up to date financial report which showed a balance of £1,101.84 in the bank.

10. Requests for financial assistance

11. Payment of Accounts
Cheque payments to 9 July 2019 were approved for payment by the Parish Council.

12. Correspondence
a) CALC Newsletter – May 2019.
b) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update – May 2019.
c) CALC – Circular – June 2019.
d) North West Coastal Access Monthly Update – June 2019.
e) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Poor visibility – Causewayhead Cemetery. Cumbria Highways have been contacted as the roadside verge is their responsibility.
f) 75th Anniversary of VE Day – Email outlining plans for VE Day 75 being organised on 8th to 10th May 2020.
g) Cumbria Strategic Flood Partnership – The group is looking for a new Chairperson. If interested then go to the website: www.cumbriastrategicfloodpartnership.org/index.html
h) CALC Allerdale District – Minutes from three-tier meeting held on 26 March 2019 at Allerdale House and notes from Cumbria Coastal Strategy presentation.
i) CALC – Copy of Press Release – Next CCG Governing Body meeting to be held on 5 June at Botcherby Community Centre Carlisle.
j) Free CALC Conference 22 June at Stoneybeck Inn, Penrith. Flyer and booking form. Completed booking form to be returned by 17 June 2019.
k) CALC – Three tier meeting July 11th 2019 at Cockermouth Town Hall at 7pm. Agenda and also minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2019.
l) Allerdale Borough Council – re: Whinclose. The site was visited the day before they were attending court regarding the notice they had served but they could not gain access. An update will be obtained and they will get back to us. It was questioned why Allerdale couldn’t get access.
m) Solway Coast AONB – Information about public consultation and invitation to an evening meeting in mid-July. Date of meeting to follow.

13. Planning Applications
The Parish Council considered the following planning applications:-
Ref No: FUL/2019/0160 Applicant: Mr Steve Clark Proposal: Application for construction of 5 detached bungalows with access, appearance and landscaping considered following outline approval 2/2016/0727 Location: Land opposite Verona, Blitterlees, Silloth
Objections to the previous application (2/2016/0727) should be taken into account when a decision is made to this current application. RESOLVED that a letter of objection be sent with the same objections that were submitted to the previous application on the grounds of poor access, flooding and drainage.

Allerdale Borough Council has approved the following:-
Ref No: FUL/2019/0077 Applicant: Mr Martin Sharp K J & M Sharp Proposal: Proposed livestock building Location: Wolsty Hall, Wolsty, Silloth
Ref No: FUL/2019/0038 Applicant: Mr Joe Broomfield, Allerdale Borough Council Proposal: Proposed cycleway between Allonby and Silloth Location: Land between Allonby and Silloth.

14. Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies
Longcake Education Foundation – Last meeting was on 13 June but Cllr. Wright was unable to attend.
Sea Dyke Charity – no meeting arranged yet. Chimneys on the farmhouse were to be removed and rebuilt. Improvements are being made to the interior of the house.
Hellrigg Community Fund – Cllr. Edmunds to consider whether to be the Parish Council representative on the Hellrigg Advisory Panel.

15. Allerdale & County Councillor Reports
Allerdale – Bins are chaos. There have been crisis meetings to alleviate the problems. Household waste is the main priority. Contract was signed back in October and things have progressively been getting worse since April. New regime brought in and reduced size of vehicles. Collection of garden waste and recycling has been stopped. Household and paper is still being collected. Allerdale are in discussions with FOSCA at the moment. All excess waste can be put in the household bin which is then sorted at the waste plant.
County Council – Tar and chipping of the Allonby and Aspatria roads are to be done. The main repairs to the Aspatria road will be done after 2 September, to avoid Solfest.

16. Parish Plan
Nothing to report. It will be considered at the annual Parish meeting.

17. Building at Causewayhead Cemetery
To be discussed in the Holme Low Parish Projects Group meeting.

18. Reports from Councillors
Whinclose – more caravans have been seen going down to Whinclose. Further email to be sent to Allerdale.
The road between Beech House and Blackdyke farms is almost impassable, with the road broken up and in need of repairs. Report to Cumbria Highways.
Between the bottom of Kingside Hill and four road ends, there are deep ruts at the side of the road which are dangerous and need filled in before there is another accident. Wagons and other vehicles can be dragged into the side. Report to Cumbria Highways.
Stanwix corner continues to flood. A pipe is to be replaced which will be a big job. The pipe to the culvert is blocked and needs to be cleared.
Manhole covers belonging to BT opposite the entrance to Pond Farm at Calvo are raised up and dangerous to motorists. Report to Cumbria Highways.
Any Highways issues should be reported to Amber Sykes and also copy Cllr. Markley into it.

19. Chairman’s Announcement
The Chairman thanked the new member and everyone for attending the meeting. Also thanked the Clerk for all the work she has done.

20. Additional Planning Application
The Parish Council considered the following planning application and recommended that it be approved:-
Ref No: RMA/2019/0007 Applicant: Mr & Mrs Robert Holliday Proposal: Reserved matters application for an agricultural workers dwelling Location: Blackdyke Farm, Blackdyke, Silloth.
It was questioned if any plans have been seen for Brian Watson. Nothing received by the Parish Council as yet.

21. Date of next meeting
Parish Council meeting – Tuesday 8 October 2019 at 7.30pm in Silloth Community Hall.